Tuesday 3 January 2017

A woman’s right to equality… or so we think!

I am rather unhappy to start 2017 with such a heavy article. However, the recent Bangaluru molestation incident is making me so angry that my heart is hurting now. To add insult to injury the sorry excuses of human being (read politicians) are coolly blaming the woman kind for the barbaric activity of these monsters. I wonder what they would have to say if someday one of their family members becomes a victim to this heinous act. 

I want to ask these politicians who blame women for molestation/rape the following questions;
 ~ Is a 10 year old girl/boy wearing school uniform returning from school asking the predator to ‘give it to her/him’?
~ Is a woman minding her own business and walking down the road asking random useless men to molest her?
~ Is a child sitting in her own home attracting male relatives to touch her in her private places?
~ Why are woman being treated like 2nd grade citizens in our own country?

Before this Delhi was known as the Rape Central, now looks like Bangaluru is becoming the Molestation Central.

While other countries are treating rapists/molesters with death sentence and castration, our lawyers are finding loopholes to protect these scums on the basis of bloody technicalities. If you remember the Nirbhaya case, the juvenile rapist Ram (the biggest scoundrel of the lot) was represented by a woman and she was of the view that he is actually not a bad person but circumstances have made him that ways, and since he was few months away from being an adult, we could treat him with love and he will be rehabilitated. SUCH A LOAD OF CRAP! The only thing that juvenile rapist probably understood was not to get caught after his next act of monstrosity.

Honest effort as it was, a movie like PINK can make a lot of hullaballoo but that is it… the monsters that actually do these things would not go to watch such a movie. Even if they do, it would not matter to them.

I sincerely wish stricter laws are made for these chutias. Once it is proven that XYZ person is the criminal, straight up castration or death penalty should be dished out. 

Ideally human rights activists should not raise any voice for such capital punishments but if they do then again I have the same question --- would you be so kind to this bastard if the victim was your loved one?

Image courtesy – Sandesh News,

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