Monday 30 May 2016

Words of No Value

Once upon a time, in a land not very far away, there lived a prolific writer who was so prolific that everything she wrote made sense and was loved by millions. She had words for every situation, no matter how grave or happy the occasion was, she was ready with her quill and parchment and would scribble away to create the perfect piece of writing!

In the same village lived a voracious orator. He was so voracious that if he could, he would, move mountains with his baritone voice and eloquent speech. Ladies would swoon when he spoke and gents would be filled with impotent jealousy heaving sighs wishing if only they could speak like him. People in need of instant motivation would reach out to him and he would break into impromptu impetus sermons that would move the masses.

Everything was perfect in this not-so-far-away-land until one day the prolific writer bumped into the voracious orator in the market place. The world stood still and all the noise faded away; they looked deep into each other’s eyes and to everyone’s surprise, no words were exchanged.

The prolific writer and the voracious orator walked away from each other in profound silence as they had no words or voice to describe what they felt. Words seemed hollow and voices seemed useless because… and that’s when they realized… they had fallen in love!

Slowly the village folks started noticing that no more new stories were written or no more tenacious speeches were ever heard, they realized how love had screwed up two perfect people and ruined their art!

Not that it mattered to the prolific writer or the voracious orator, because now she wrote for him and he spoke for her and in their own little world they were pleased as punch!!!

Friday 20 May 2016

Rest In Peace Dear Dog!

Just read on social media that one of my FB & Twitter friends lost his best furry buddy of 14 years to death. I am so stunned that I am rendered speechless. Not that I knew the furry baby at all, I just followed her on fb & twitter, but hearing about the loss broke my heart. 

Grief fills my heart as unwanted thoughts crawl in my head and I sink in sorrow. I know everyone dies eventually, still the thoughts haunt me and I almost lose sanity thinking how would I carry on when the time comes for my babies.  

After shedding some silent tears for the fallen one, I look at my playing babies and try to push the inevitable at the back of my head and join them in the tug of war. 

Here is only hoping that crossing the rainbow bridge gives them peace and happiness that they deserve! 

Sunday 8 May 2016

When the extra weight weighs in...

Hello My dear Friends! Today I share with you an incident that happened to me sometime ago (obviously it has to be me)... As we all know I am a bit plump.. ok.. a little on the chubby side.. alright downright fat... plus weird that I am, it was very difficult for some people to grasp the fact I would get married.... Anyhoo I digress from my path...

So just before my wedding, I was asked to work out and at least look a bit in shape for the reception photos (people... what to say... they mean well.. just sound annoying)... So I was huffing and puffing and trying to lose some weight around my love handles.. (which obviously did not happen)...

So wedding happens and cut to present (flashback is over pals). Lately, while looking at old photographs and I saw one wherein I thought I looked at my slimmest best (relatively..). So I use that as my whatsaap display picture (coz you know you do not want your peers to see your double chin and nostril hair in your dp).

Within 24 hours of uploading the picture, I get a ping from some old acquaintance asking me if I was pregnant? PREGNANT???!!!??? WHY!!!!! The person said I had a glow on my face and well.. I looked extra plump in my tummy area...

Damnation!!! I was appalled!!! My work-outs did not work out for me, I felt a pit in my stomach and wanted to curl up in the fetal position and cry till I died or something..

I gathered my remaining dignity and said to this acquaintance that No I was NOT pregnant, I was merely fat... (and never had a conversation with her after that)....

PS: In my defense, I really thought I had lost some minuscule grams of weight during those days...