Sunday 24 May 2015

Empty Mind Devil's Workshop

I believe everyone should work. If not for a living then maybe to nurture your hobby, to help people/animals or just so that you are not bored. It need not be a physical labor that you are unable to do, just do something... anything for that matter. 

Clichéd but absolutely true is empty mind devil's workshop.  If you have nothing to do then your mind wonders and shitty ideas come out. Insignificant things make you feel that the world is out to get you and you spiral into finding ridiculous methods to avenge yourself. 

However, from the other side you seem to be a good-for-nothing, evil, irritating piece of crap who has no work but to be a road block for everyone else. 

So if you know anyone who is like this... please urge that the jerk should find some work and get to it...