Saturday 28 November 2015

Before getting a puppy....

We love puppies... their tiny paws, the tiny faces and shiny eyes… small prickly mushy... everyone who has had a puppy knows how awesome those initial days are.. .everything your puppy does makes you say ‘Awwwwwwww….”
That being one side of the story, before you get your bundle of joy home, you must ask these questions. Only and if only you have positive answers to these questions should you get the most lovable creature into your life.

 Are You Ready for a Puppy???
The responsibility of having a puppy is quite similar to having a human child. You have to put in extra effort in making the puppy comfortable in your home. Your place may be extremely cozy & convenient for you, but understand that the puppy is in a new place, away from his/her mother and other siblings plus a strange human is cuddling him/her.  It can be quite stressful.  You cannot leave the puppy alone in the initial days. The puppy will get depressed and lonely, which will lead to aggression. Though that aggression might look cute when she/he is tiny, it will not be so pleasant once the kid grows up.
Whatever turns your life takes, your puppy will be a part of it…
Imagine your parents abandoning you because they had a 2nd child or they planned to move to a different city /country and you did not fit in their plan. Sounds absurd isn't it!!!!! You may get married, move to a different city, get a job, have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and have a baby…. Remember your puppy came into your life before any of these new advancements. You absolutely are ready and will not abandon your pet just because you have new events in your life and your pet is a burden. He/she is never a burden; they are your family. Only if you are ready to get into that kind of commitment for your dog’s lifetime, you are ready…
Can you afford a puppy?
Your heart may be filled with love and respect for your pup, but can you afford her/him. Get a clear idea how much it would cost you monthly basis for the upkeep of your puppy when he/she is full grown.  Puppy must be vaccinated, well fed, well exercised and well loved….
Lastly, is everyone in the family alright with having a puppy?
Everyone in the family should be on the same page about getting the puppy home; it should not be the case that someone in the family does not like dogs so the puppy gets ill-treated there.

Once your introspection is done and you have positive answers to these questions, (plus more if you have any) by all means bring home a puppy… he/she will be a source of ultimate joy, peace and happiness in your life… 

NOTE: Adoption before Purchase....