Wednesday 6 January 2016

Mundane… Boring…Blah…Prosaic…

It is very poetic to say ‘Follow your heart’, ‘Heart wants what the heart wants’, ‘Be yourself’ so on and so forth. I’d say it is a load of bull poop… you actually cannot be yourself anytime you want to or follow your heart, unless you want to face consequences. 

For example, someone is talking non-stop nonsense in front of you… and what you want to do, with all your heart, is slap the person’s face off… But can you do that and not have consequences. 

This was just an example, situations like these are unending and being the true “you” seem more and more bleak…

What I want to do is take my babies and go for a holiday in a forest, what I am doing is leading a mundane adult life; what I want is to go to Disneyland, what I am doing is shuffling between work and home; whom I want to meet are Jim Parsons and Mads Mikkelsen, whom I am meeting are the clients for work. 

Not that I don’t enjoy my work or family life but I hate getting stuck in a routine-life and I am stuck…

I want to throw my arms out wide like a crazy person and sing “I want to break free….” Then I remember I cannot sing…