Thursday 29 October 2015


Tomorrow is Halloween and I don’t have any party to go to. But please don’t be sad at the lack of my social life on a Saturday night. I am reaching the middle aged mark and love it when I spend a quiet evening at home with my doggie poohs. Tomorrow night will be the same with one minor addition…
Tomorrow night I shall enjoy a selection of horror movies…. Heee Heee Haaa haa (this is my scary evil laugh).  My list includes a Korean movie as well because they make it fucking scary…. After watching these, their English counterparts seem a tad fizzed out. For example: While watching the movie Janghwa, Hongryeon(A Tale of Two Sisters -2003), I pooped in my pants. However its English remake The Uninvited (2009) failed to raise a squeak from me.

So my list for the Halloween weekend is as follows…

The Babadook (2014)

Juon (2002)

Poltergeist (1982)

Insidious (2010)

Bhoot (2003)

What is Halloween without a good scare!!! What Say…. 

Sunday 11 October 2015

Durga Pujo!!!!

It is that time of the year again when my head and heart grooves its way to Durga Pujo.  I am against all forms of loud noises and wasting of money in the name of God when the same can be used for betterment of the needy. 

 However, Durga Pujo is when the little Bengali Girl inside my head pops up big time and wants new clothes. She also wants to do mandap surfing and eat unhealthy fried food items that are available in the mandaps.

This is the time when I selfishly rejoice the dhuno smell, dhunuchi naach,  dhaakis dance while playing the dhaak,  overly attired  & bejeweled aunties, random political and sports talks from uncles, pimply teenagers stealing glances of the opposite sex OH and yes the BHOG… all the great food of the world one side and bhog still wins.

These are the things my heart wants during the pujas, but what I actually do is go to office and work like it’s just another day or if it’s the weekend I stay at home and enjoy the company of my furry babies…

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