Thursday 29 September 2016

Forgetting things – one incident at a time!

Hello dear friends! Welcome back to my blog! Today we talk about my fantastic memory.

Those who know me well will validate the fact that I am a forgetful person. So much so that it is not even cute or funny anymore. It has so happened in the past that I have erased an entire person from my memory and did not even remember her when I saw her again after ages. Not until she reminded me that we were rather bum chummy at one point of time. 

This has happened more than once. The other day I was absolutely mortified because this friend of mine and I were in Bandra and she pointed out to a random stranger and said “look there is your ex”!!!!! It was an awkward moment because the dude politely greeted me and walked away! I just could not recall his face not even if my life depended on it!

To make myself capable in the professional front, I always carry a small notebook and a pen furiously jotting down my to-do list for the day or if someone told me something important which I may have to remember for a later discussion. I have been called “bhullakad bhaaji”, “Gajni”, “Dori” and whatnot for this thing!

Despite this ludicrous condition of mine, there are certain things that spark random memories without any rhyme or reason to pop up in my head, but they do! Like the other day I was preparing dinner when suddenly my food gave out an aroma that instantly reminded me of my granny when she cooked cauliflower. Just flashes of memories but enough to make me happy and sad at the same time.

I try to hold on to memories from the yore as much as possible because remembering them is always bittersweet. Some odd things that transport me to the past are;
  • Old perfume bottles
  • Unknown smell can be either of an incense stick or a plant that suddenly reminds me of the forgotten days
  • Old post cards/inlands
  • Retro songs (most of the songs from my days are categorized as ‘retro’ now)
  • Old photographs
  • Random chat sessions with my bro

I make it a point to solve crosswords & puzzles and read a lot. I also eat almonds because it is scary to think that I might lose all of it… eventually!

Photo courtesy -


  1. Awwww!!! Its okay are just getting OLD!! la lala la la...

    Jokes aside, I have been forgetful as well lately. Atleast you have a lifetime of experience with forgetfulness. Me!! Not me! I had the memory of an elephant until I got pregnant and now I'm constantly walking into rooms and then just standing there wondering "Why the hell did i come here?"..

    So yeah, I get your predicament and fright.... Old age is scary until....remember our plan of 30...whatever happened lol

  2. Now that plan is shifted to 60... hopefully no more than that.... :)
