Friday 13 January 2017

The write-up with no title!!!

Hello again dear friends! Hope you are good and 2017 is being nice to you so far! All good hopefully! Now that we are done discussing your life we shall focus on mine! (It’s my blog isn’t it…)

It has just occurred to me that 13 days have passed in January and I have not watched a single movie as yet. Also the only TV show that I watched was Sherlock! Aaand I have read only 1 book this year as yet! 

THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!!!  I am being slower than the tortoise in the Rabbit & the Tortoise story! Sheesh man!!!!!!

Like a true procrastinator, I shall blame my tablet dying on me and hence I cannot read the bundle of e-books that I bought in last 2 months. I shall also blame mommy because she does not allow me to stay up late at night to watch shows! Last night I stayed awake till 3:00 am to watch 2 episodes of the latest Sherlock and she woke up in the middle of it and gave me an earful!! So much so that my dogs got scared and started whimpering!!! I however put my foot down and finished both episodes and then slept. Today somehow I am seemingly sluggish and drowsy the entire day… 

Even as I write this piece, I fear that my head will ploop on the keyboard and I shall drool myself to sleep! Maybe mommy was right I should have slept off at a decent time! But Shhhh... let her not hear that and win the argument. 

It is good to see that you are still reading this meaningless blog. At this point you might ask what the point of this post is. Am I right? Well… I also realized that since the beginning of 2017, I have written only 1 post for this page… ergo these inconsequential words….

Image courtesy - Pinterest

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